Fighting Fear
The first thing to do is stop being afraid. Dear reader, learn to be alone with yourself and find in this state not suffering, but blissful peace. Go to the movies, take yourself as a companion! Of course, it’s better not to discuss the film out loud with yourself - it’s just like the scene with Gollum from The Lord of the Rings. Although the phrase “We like to watch this pr-r-relation” will definitely make loud strangers stay away from you. Everything has its advantages.
Look into a bookstore, choose an interesting book, stop by a coffee shop on the way and, sitting on a park bench, enjoy the feeling of loneliness. After all, this term is not a death sentence, but a completely natural state for every person. When you accept this and stop being afraid of this phenomenon, a long-awaited sigh of relief will occur.
Ecotherapy is psychotherapy using nature. The concept itself is new, but its roots go deep into history. Man is part of nature. Our ancient relatives knew this like no one else, and even worshiped certain species of animals and plants.
We are no longer in the Middle Paleolithic, but we are still one with nature. Nature is the best cure for many mental storms. She is the embodiment of motherhood, because she gave birth to everything that surrounds us today; Having felt unity with it, we will feel a sense of belonging to all living things. Man’s isolation from nature leads to painful isolation from the world, and, accordingly, from all living things.
“Happiness is being with nature, seeing it, talking with it,” Leo Tolstoy believed. Well, Tolstoy certainly won’t lie!
Sometimes you don’t even have to leave the house: listen to the quiet singing of the leaves on the trees!
Almost everyone knows about Newton's third law, the law of equal action and reaction. Many psychologists like to apply it in the field of interpersonal relationships. There is always an equal and opposite reaction to an action. The more you are attracted to a person, the more he will push you away. Has this ever happened to you, dear reader? Have you ever been ignored for hours by a person who was the focus of your attention? Or vice versa: when all your attention switched from the ill-fated person-favorite to something else, then this individual suddenly showed up, like a shameless lover or an energetic bailiff. It happens that your faithful admirer has been “overboard” for years, and the lucky one you adore is interested in everyone except you - this is a strange paradox. The Creator has a good sense of humor. These are, of course, not regularities. But there are many such cases.
A few years ago I came across a picture that captivated me with its simplicity and truthfulness. The text read: “Stop needing anyone to need you. Be unnecessary. Relaxed." When you don't need people, they need you. Dear reader, you are a unique, independent master of your own. You will definitely be able to cope with painful thoughts!
Loneliness can affect us all, even in solitary jobs like concrete estimating. Building a sense of community through online groups and events can help combat this. Let's prioritize connection for better mental well-being in our industry.